For the past year and a half, ILS has been hosting launch after launch with many overlapping campaigns. This of course has an effect on not only the people staying for multiple campaigns for months at a time, but also on the hotels and facilities in which we stay.
The hotels/facilities in Baikonur require attention in order to withstand the daily wear and tear of the constant occupation by campaign participants. Thanks to ILS’ Kevin, these facilities remain in excellent condition due to his hard work and maintenance. With some help from the ILS and the ISOS doctor and nurse, we took advantage of the Breeze M fueling day – a day where Building 92A-50 is closed to all non-essential personnel. We installed a brand new tarp around the pavilion area outside of the Cosmos hotel so that we can stay warm out there during the winter. We worked all day to make Baikonur a bit more enjoyable for everyone!
Not only are the hotels reaping benefits from the hard work and care of campaign participants, but the environment around us is also benefiting. A local kitten has be-friended the campaign and almost everyone has fallen in love with it. We plan to take him to the vet in town to get his shots within the next few weeks.