ILS is proud to support the United States Marine Corp and their Toys for Tots program. The basic mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Program is to collect new unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to less fortunate children at Christmas.

“In this area we often take for granted how easy it is to make Christmas a joyous time for our children. ILS is happy to work with Toys for Tots to help less fortunate families make Christmas special for their children, too. Thank you to the Marines for their hard work and dedication to this program,” said ILS Executive Assistant Lisa Miller.

The mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is to assist the U. S. Marine Corps in providing a tangible sign of hope to economically disadvantaged children at Christmas. This assistance includes providing day-to-day leadership and oversight of the Program, raising funds to provide toys to supplement the collections of local Toys for Tots Campaigns, to provide promotional and support material and defray the costs of conducting annual Toys for Tots Campaigns.

The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public charity which was created at the behest of the U. S. Marine Corps in 1991.

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