November 09, 2010 (updated 11-11-10)

SkyTerra 1
Boeing 702HP designed for geomobile services
Separated spacecraft mass: Approx. 5,400 kg

Launch Vehicle:
Proton Breeze M
705,000 kg (1,554,000 lbs), including payload
58.2 m (191 ft)

Launch Date:
14 November 2010, Baikonur

Launch Time:
23:29:20 Baikonur
17:29:20 GMT
12:29:20 EST

Launch Site:
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, Launch Pad 39

Launch Customer:
LightSquared, Reston, Va.

Satellite Manufacturer:
Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems, El Segundo, Ca.

Launch Vehicle Manufacturer:
Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Moscow

Launch Services Provider:
International Launch Services, Reston, Va.

Satellite Use:
The launch of SkyTerra 1 and successful network commissioning is a major step in LightSquared’s creation of its next-generation, nationwide network that will be among the world’s first to combine satellite and terrestrial technologies. The LightSquared network will enable the company to offer 4G speed, value, and reliability which enables universal wireless connectivity throughout the United States.

The company’s next-generation satellite system allows users within the United States to use standard handsets or other devices, equipped with the LightSquared chipset, to access the satellite system with high link availability and long battery lifetimes with devices that have the same form-factor and functionality as conventional handsets and devices. Further, the combination of the LightSquared satellite system and the LightSquared 4G terrestrial network provides an unprecedented level of coverage throughout the United States.

Satellite Statistics:
__ First satellite for LightSquared that will provide integrated satellite and terrestrial service
__Orbital location: 101.3 degrees west longitude
__Anticipated service life: 15 years

Mission Profile:
The Proton M launch vehicle, utilizing a 5-burn Breeze M mission design, will lift off from Pad 39 at Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, with the SkyTerra 1 satellite on board. The first three stages of the Proton will use a standard ascent profile to place the orbital unit (Breeze M upper stage and the SkyTerra 1 satellite) into a sub-orbital trajectory. From this point in the mission, the Breeze M will perform planned mission maneuvers to advance the orbital unit first to a circular parking orbit, then to an intermediate orbit, followed by a transfer orbit, and finally to a geosynchronous transfer orbit. Separation of the SkyTerra 1 satellite is scheduled to occur approximately 9 hours, 14 minutes after liftoff.

Target Orbit at Separation:
Apogee: 35,786 km (22,236 miles)
Perigee:  6,035 km (3,750 miles)
Inclination: 19.0 degrees

Spacecraft Separation:
Approximately 9 hours, 14 minutes after liftoff

ILS Mission Statistics:
__10th Proton Launch in 2010
__7th ILS Proton Launch in 2010
__63rd ILS Proton Launch Overall
__1st LightSquared Satellite Launched on ILS Proton
__14th Boeing Satellite Launched on ILS Proton

Live Broadcast details:
Live Coverage starting at 12:00 EST November 14th
Launch is scheduled for 12:29 EST, November 14th
Launch Broadcast concludes 13:00 EST November 14th (approx. 15 out on some segments)

In North America the broadcast may be seen on:
Anik F2, C-band
111.1 West
Analog, 36 mhz.
Channel 3B
u/l frequency 6045.0 Horizontal
d/l  frequency 3280.0 Vertical
audio 6.2 and 6.8
and DishNetwork, Channel 9621, Satellite 61.5, In the Clear/ Free Access

In Baikonur and Europe the broadcast may be seen on:
Arqiva London receive via fiber from Washington and U/L to  W2A
Satellite:  Eutelsat W2A
B1, Channel 2 Middle
U/L 14305.00 Vertical
D/L 11005,.00 Horizontal
Symbol Rate: 5.632 Msym/s
FEC: 3/4 FEC
Aspect Ratio : SD 4.3 (Default) .
Modulation : S-QPSK (Default) 35%
MPEG : 420 MPEG 2
Encryption: No Encryption .

More Information:
Live ILS webcast at  will begin approximately 30 minutes before liftoff. General mission information and launch status updates are available at the website or on the ILS U.S. domestic Launch Hotline at 1-800-852-4980.  Webcast will also be shown on

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