(Translated from Khrunichev Press Release)
October 19, 2012
The Selection Commission has approved the appointment of Mr. Alexander Ivanovich Seliverstov as a Director General of Khrunichev Space Center.
The Head of the Federal Space Agency will sign the appropriate documents in the near future.
Mr. Alexander Ivanovich Seliverstov
Born March 4, 1960 in Moscow.
Education – Master’s Degree. In 1987, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Aviation Technology named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, where he majored in aero-space engineering. He has a degree in mechanical engineering.
Over his career at KhSC Mr. Seliverstov has held various positions at the Rocket Plant and Khrunichev Space Center – engineer, foreman, production manager, deputy director for manufacturing of the KhSC Space Rocket Plant.
Since 2008 – Deputy Director General of Khrunichev Space Center, Director of Space Rocket Plant.