28 Jan 2005 Proton Launch Advisory: AMC-12 January 28, 2005 Payload: AMC-12 communications satellite Alcatel Space Spacebus 4000 platform Separated spacecraft mass: Approx. 10,966 lbs (4,974 kg)Launch Vehicle: Proton M/Breeze M Weight at liftoff: 691,272 kg (1.5 million lbs), including payload Height: 61 m (200 ft) READ MORE 28 Nov 2000 Proton Launch Advisory: Sirius 3 Payload: Sirius-3 Space Systems/Loral 1300 platform, High-powered digital audio radio service satellite (DARS) READ MORE « 1 2 Contact Us! For the latest news and information, or if you have a question, please email ILS at contactus@ilslaunch.com
28 Nov 2000 Proton Launch Advisory: Sirius 3 Payload: Sirius-3 Space Systems/Loral 1300 platform, High-powered digital audio radio service satellite (DARS) READ MORE