Welcome to the THOR 5 Launch Campaign blog, and thank you for joining us! Today the Early Team arrived in Moscow for a brief respite and to prepare for tomorrow’s transition to Baikonur. Because Russian Orthodox Christmas falls on Jan. 7 we arrived to see the Russian capital decorated in Christmas splendor. Some team members took the afternoon to explore beautiful Red Square, while others opted to stay warm in the lounge of our hotel. Since many of us traveled from Northern Virginia , where we had been enjoying unseasonable warmth with temperatures above 60 deg F, the frosty 10 deg F of Moscow reminded us just how harsh winter can be. We hope this weather will help to get the team ready for life in Baikonur, where temperatures regularly drop into the negative degrees Fahrenheit. Keep checking in with us, while we share a little bit about life on an ILS Launch Campaign. The team will be hitting the hay early tonight as tomorrow is the true start of our adventure, Baikonur! [img]http://www.ilslaunch.com/assets/Images/Media/Thor-5/Moscowentry2.jpg[/img]