The propulsion system of the light-weight Angara 1.2 Launch Vehicle Service Module, manufactured by the Khrunichev Space Center (part of ROSCOSMOS State Corporation), completed successful hot-fire testing at the Federal State Enterprise “Rocket & Space Industry Research & Test Center” (RSI RTC) test facility (Peresvet, Moscow Region).
The hot-fire tests are the most important and final stage of ground based propulsion system tests prior to flight testing.
During the tests, specialists from the Salyut Design Bureau (a subdivision of Khrunichev Space Center) performed comprehensive checks of the propulsion system components on a test stand. RSI RTC personnel assured safe testing conditions and processed the test results expeditiously.
The positive results of the tests verified the propulsion system’s operational readiness as well as the validity of the chosen design and procedural solutions. Based on the propulsion system tests performed on the test stand, the propulsion system has been approved for development and flight testing as part of the flight-ready Service Module.
The detachable Service Module is part of the 2nd Stage of the two-stage Angara 1.2 Launch Vehicle and is designed to inject the SC into its target orbit. The Service Module includes four 40 kgf 11D458 thrusters and fourteen 1.3 kgf 17D58E thrusters.
In November of 2016 thermal vacuum tests of the Service Module were successfully completed on the VK600/300 RSI RTC stand. During the tests the temperature modes of the Service Module where tested in a cold & black space environment.