W7 Stage Separations

We had a successful liftoff about 11 minutes ago of our Proton M Breeze M rocket, which is carrying the W7 satellite. The three stages of the Proton vehicle have performed as planned, and it is up to the Breeze M upper stage to complete the mission. The upper stage has begun its first burn, which is scheduled to last around 7 minutes.



W7 LiftOff!

We have liftoff! of the Proton M Breeze M rocket and the W7 satellite.



W7 Rollout

[b]19 and 20 Nov:[/b] At the end of the second day of loading, the State Commission met and authorized the rollout of the ILV to the launch pad. The teams gathered to witness the rollout of the ILV from the Breeze M fueling station to Launch Pad 39 at 06h45 on 20 Nov. Approximately 3 hours later the team reassembled at the Pad to watch the erector lift the ILV into its new vertical position. The next days will be used for testing and finalization of the ILV and systems for launch.



Catch Up

[b]1 Nov –[/b] With the SC and PLA fitcheck confirmed successful, the KhSC team focused on Breeze-M testing for preparation to transfer to area 31 for high pressure loading (helium and propellants). After loading operations completed, the Breeze-M was transferred back to Hall 103A on 2 Nov for nominal testing. The TAS team work to prepare the SC for weighing and propellant loading operations. [b]3 to 5 Nov –[/b] The SC was authorized for fueling operations on 2 Nov. On 3 Nov MON load, 4 Nov a reconfiguration day and 5 Nov MMH load. All operations completed successfully. KhSC continued testing of the Launch Vehicle in Hall 111. In Hall 101, final closeout on the PLF and PLA and testing on the Breeze-M. [b]6 Nov –[/b] SC loading operations completed nominally yesterday. TAS worked on SC finalizations prior to joint ops and KhSC prepared the PLA and Breeze-M for mating. [b]9 Nov –[/b] Launch Vehicle is in Hall 111 completing final electrical operations. The Breeze-M final testing and transfer to tilter also occurred today. SC arming and final inspections prior to moving in Hall 103A for mating. In parallel, TAS continued their loading equipment decontamination. [b]11 Nov –[/b] Launch Vehicle final preparation in Hall 111. In Hall 101 joint operations began with the SC mating on PLA and SC/PLA mating on Breeze M. Both TAS and KhSC worked after the mating on electrical checkouts. [b]12 Nov -[/b] Joint operations continue in Hall 101. The newly assembled Orbital Unit tilted horizontal, and the fairing installation began. [b]14 Nov -[/b] Fairing finalization with logo placement and fairing sealing. The now encapsulated Ascent Unit will complete electrical testing in preparation for the transfer to Hall 111. [b]15-16 Nov –[/b] The Ascent Unit transfer to Hall 111 was successful. Mating to the Launch vehicle was nominal and SC checkouts began. After all SC checks completed, KhSC began the Integrated Launch Vehicle testing. In parallel, TAS continues SC GSE packing for return to Cannes post launch.



Stand Alone Operations and Fitcheck

23-29 Oct. Stand alone operations for Thales and KhSC. Thales performed electrical and mechanical SC checkouts and validated the fueling support equipment in Hall 103A. In parallel, KhSC worked in Hall 101 preparing for the PLA and separation system arrival (27 Oct) and the Breeze M arrival (30 Oct). After cleaning and electrical checkouts, the PLF halves are in storage in Hall 101 waiting for installation after the orbital unit is mated on the tilter. In Hall 111, KhSC finished LV pneumatic tests and will setup the electrical test configuration. RUAG specialists arrived on 27 Oct to prepare the separation system for the fitcheck on 30 Oct. 30 Oct. Fitcheck In preparation for the fitcheck, KhSC transported the PLA and separation system into Hall 103A on 29 Oct. On 30 Oct. after a pre-operation and safety meeting, Thales hoisted the SC and the operations began ([url=http://www.ilslaunch.com/assets/galleries/W7-Gallery/SC-hoisting.jpg]See photo: SC hoisting[/url]). By the end of the day, RUAG had measured, tensioned, measured again, and confirmed that things fit right into place ([url=http://www.ilslaunch.com/assets/galleries/W7-Gallery/KhSC-and-RUAG-Fitcheck.jpg]See photo: KhSC and RUAG Fitcheck[/url]). While across town, the Breeze M Upper Stage moved to the fueling station for its two days of loading. The Breeze M will be installed on the tilter on 3 Nov and begin full cycle testing. With the fitcheck complete, the Breeze M partially fuelled and the PLA back in Hall 101, the SC will finish stand alone operations before the authorization is given by Eutelsat to proceed with propellant loading operations (3 and 5 Nov).



Early Team Arrival and SC Unpack

16 Oct the early team arrived to Area 95 for office setup and to accept the SC processing halls. Main team landed on 19 Oct, allowing the team a few hours of sleep before the Antonov carrying the W7 SC arrived at Yubileiny on 20 Oct. To watch the successful orchestration of the offload appear effortless by our KhSC and ZERKT colleagues is an understatement. Once the SC container was lifted onto the railcar, the thermal control car was connected, and personnel responsible for monitoring the transportation were in place the train was authorized to depart for 92A-50. Before the end of the night, a small team gathered in Hall 101 and 102 to work for offloading the SC container and ground support equipment into Hall 101. 21 Oct the SC container was opened, inspected and then lifted onto the transportation dolly. The SC rolled into 103A to begin health checks. In parallel, KhSC worked to prepare the first, second and third stages of the launch vehicle for mating, which is scheduled to occur on 23 Oct. The payload fairing halves are being cleaned in Hall 101 and the payload adapter, separation system and Breeze-M, currently in Moscow, are to arrive in Baikonur before month end.



Welcome to the W7 Blog

Welcome to the sixth ILS Proton launch campaign for 2009 – the launch of the Thales Alenia Space-built, W7 satellite for Eutelsat of France. Follow along with the mission team as they prepare for the launch.


End of Another Successful Mission

After the very smooth and successful launch of Nimiq 5 yesterday, the remaining members of the mission team celebrated with an excellent banquet. The kitchen staff have outdone themselves again. The mission team will use the rest of the weekend to pack-up, with the backhaul Antonov on Saturday and the close out of the offices on Sunday morning. Monday morning sees everyone to Moscow. We will miss all of the friends we have a made and renewed over the last six weeks as we head back to our homes in various parts of the United States and the world. We would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved in the Nimiq 5 program for a job well done and the campaign team for an extremely smooth and easy launch campaign. Three times seems to be a charm for Space System/Loral campaigns. Congratulations!


Nimiq 5 Mission Success!

We have had a successful mission with the Proton M Breeze M rocket, carrying the Nimiq 5 satellite built by Space Systems Loral for Telesat. We have had confirmation that the satellite separated from the vehicle on schedule at 12:34 AM EDT, or 04:34 GMT, 9 hours and 15 minutes after liftoff. Everything occurred as planned with ignition, shutdown and separation of the Proton’s first three stages. Then the Breeze M upper stage with the satellite continued the mission, igniting five times, and then releasing the satellite into transfer orbit.


Nimiq 5 Third and Fourth Burn Completion

We have confirmed that the Breeze M upper stage has successfully completed its 3rd & 4th burns, as well as jettisoning its additional propellant tank. The vehicle is now in a 5-hour coast period, during which we will have nothing to report. The 5th burn is scheduled to start around 12:12 AM EDT, or 04:12 GMT. Separation of the Nimiq 5 spacecraft is scheduled to follow the 5th burn completion by about 15 minutes.


Contact Us!

For the latest news and information, or if you have a question, please email ILS at contactus@ilslaunch.com