International Launch Services (ILS), a leader in providing mission integration and launch services to the commercial satellite industry, recently participated in a dialogue on the state of capability, capacity and collaboration in the commercial launch industry at the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) conference in Hawaii. The January 21 panel was moderated by PJSquare CEO Peter Jackson. Participants included ILS Sales, Marketing & Communications Vice President Dawn Harms, and senior representatives from Thales Alenia Space, Space Systems/Loral, Orbital Science Corporation, Arianespace, and SpaceX.
During the panel, ILS highlighted numerous attributes that Proton offers:
•Primary heavy-lift launcher with capability to launch small satellites in tandem or via dedicated launch
•Flexible mission design with re-startable Breeze M Upper Stage for launches to LEO, MEO, HEO, GTO, GSO and SSTO
•5 meter fairing design in-process
•Collaboration with manufacturers on developing upcoming optimized mission designs